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There are hundreds of books, and thousands of publications on the history of Ulster. I hope that the following notes and references will provide an interesting introduction to the subject. The material is not intended to provide a rigorous historical analysis. Instead, it provides an introduction to a selection of historical events, together with suggestions for further reading.

Brief overview of Ulster history

Brief overview of Ulster history (timeline)

From c. 7000 BC to 300 BC (3) Bronze Age
Bronze Age
From c. 300 BC to 1600 AD (7) Tudor conquest
Tudor conquest
From c. 1600 AD to present (10) The 19th century
The 19th century


1.   The Man in the Ice

2.   The Siege of Derry in Ulster Protestant mythology

3.   The origins of the 1798 rebellion in Ulster

Siege of Derry
Siege of Derry

4.   The Vandeleur and Belfast co-operatives, and a sermon!

5.   The Twelfth

6.   The Apprentice Boys parade in Londonderry

Traditional parades
Traditional parades

On-line bookshops


General history books

Books on specific topics

Background reading

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